Reducing Stress and Worry Reducing stress by knowing what to tackle and what to release Stress can often become all-consuming. You get eaten up with doubt and worry and then so swamped by everything that you become unable to act. Knowing what to tackle and what to release is one of the most effective methods of reducing stress in both your personal and business life.
When facing a stressful time you will almost always find it very helpful to categorise and prioritise all the individual things that are causing your stress. Draw a simple 'Priority Matrix' along the lines of the one below and add into it, one by one, all the things that are causing you stress - answering the following two critical questions before you add each thing into the appropriate sector of the matrix:
"Bearing in mind the situation I am currently in - is this thing a high priority or a low priority?" "Is this thing easy to change or difficult to change?" By asking yourself these two questions (high priority or low priority, easy to change or difficult to change) and listing all the things that are causing you stress in the 'Priority Matrix' you will be able to see clearly where it's best to put your time and energy.
Now take action! Start with the 'high priority, easy to change' things first then move rapidly on to the 'high priority, difficult to change' items. Having done all these, reassess the low priority things. You may well find that many of them no longer cause you stress and can be dismissed altogether while the rest can be re-assigned if necessary.
If you would like to know more about reducing the stress in your life or feel you need some help from me to make the most of this technique just click here .
To download a printable pdf of 'How to Reduce Stress and Worry' just click here .